
Finding The Cheapest Electricity Rates in Houston

Do you want to find the cheapest electricity rates in Houston and save money? Many people in Houston, Texas do and fortunately this is something that is quite possible.

Here we’re going to share with you some of Texas Electricity Examiner’s best tips, so your dollars stay in your wallet instead of at the energy company. With a little planning and preparation, you can be in a terrific position to save save save!

Tip #1: Focus on Your Needs to get the Best Electric Prices

Every family, individual and couple’s needs are going to be different. You can’t compare what your neighbor or family members do, to what you need. What is most important is that you find an electric rate and energy plan that works for when you want to use electricity most, so you can make the most of it. When you do this, you simply can’t help but get the best prices and deals.

Tip #2: A Cheap Electricity Rate Only is Good if it Offers What You Want

This is one of the most important tips that we can share with you. Don’t be tempted to switch energy provider, simply because you see a catchy commercial that mentions a super cheap electric rate. Your electricity needs and when you most often use it is the #1 concern! If that bargain electricity rate does not cover the peak times you need, then you won’t save as much as you’d hoped to.

Visit the PUC website to learn about the different billing terms from all electricity companies in Houston, TX.

Tip #3: When Do You Use Electricity?

You must sit down, with pen and paper and think about when you use electricity the most. If you have a family, create a chart and track when you think each member of the family will use it too. Then you will start to see patterns of when most of the family is using electricity.

For example, if you have school-aged children, they may be coming home from school and turning on a computer to do homework. If it is summer, they could be turning on the air conditioner and then turning on other electric devices at the same time, because maybe they are home from summer camp. So the afternoon would be a time you would hope to have a great electricity rate, as your household would always be a very active user.

Finding The Cheapest Electricity Rates in Houston

Tip #4: Sit Down with Your Family to Discover Electricity Use

If you’ve charted out when you think your family uses electricity, but you don’t think it is giving you a clear picture, then it would be more helpful to actually sit down with them. A great time to do this would be right after everyone has had dinner.

Most kids and teens don’t think about using electricity, because it is always there. So we recommend that you ask them what activities they do during the day. Then you can ask them follow up questions. For example, if they say “in the morning I take a shower, dry my hair and brush my teeth” then you can ask “so you use the hair dryer and an electric toothbrush?”

Tip# 5: Do You Want Free Electricity on the Weekends?

Now, free electricity on the weekends is a very attractive benefit for an electricity company to offer! One of the reasons this makes people grin from ear to ear, is because weekends are a time when kids are off from school and most people have free time away from work. So you can be at home, enjoying fun activities as a family.

But keep in mind, that this is not always something to switch your electric service for. If all of your kids are super active in sports activities and your family is always attending their games, or you spend many weekends visiting family and friends who are nearby, then you are less likely to be home. So a different plan that does not offer free weekends electricity might actually save you more money in the long run!

Tip #6: Do You Want Free Electricity in the Evenings?

Here is another great benefit you’ll often see Houston electricity companies offering. It’s hard to resist, the thought of being able to have free electricity every night!

This is only good for you if it is a time when you are home to enjoy it. If you are an individual looking for cheap electricity rates and you take classes in the evening, then you won’t be home to make the most of this free time.

Tip #7: Track Your Electricity Use Before You Sign up For Any Plan

Psst! Want to save the most money from your energy plan? This takes a little effort, but the benefits you get from it are excellent. We want you to track your activities (day and night) that use electricity!

No, your tracking does not have to be super detailed. Do remember you will get the best results if you maintain your regular routine instead of doing things differently.

Then take your results, visit Texas Electricity Examiner and review which of the Houston electricity rates will keep the most cash in your pocket. Because we want you to save while getting a great plan!

Tips For Removing Vinyl Wrap From a Car

Did you put a vinyl wrap on your car? We are not surprised. This is a great way to amp up the look of your car – all without paying the high expense of painting it. Today you can get thousands of styles and even a custom wrap, quickly and easily.

There are a lot of things to love about a car wrap. You aren’t going to have to spend your weekends polishing and waxing your car. Cleaning your car is simple, with a microfiber towel. You can expect a high quality car wrap to last about 3-5 years. A vinyl wrap is typically about 50% the cost of a high quality paint job for your car. So if you are the type of person who loves to update your style with the popular trends, then doing a car wrap could be just the thing for you!

Tips For Removing Vinyl Wrap From a Car

But if you want to remove the vinyl wrap from your car, you may wonder, “Is this something I can DIY?” or “Do I have to pay someone to remove it for me?” We know you are going to grin from ear to ear, because there is a way you can simply remove your vinyl wrap. But first look at 3 factors related to how your car wrap was originally installed.

Vinyl Car Wrap Removal Checklist

  1. The first thing you need to do is to check if it was applied with a super strong adhesive. Two of the most popular vehicle wraps, Avery and 3M do not have any strong adhesive on them. So our tips will easily work to remove your wrap.
  2. Another thing to keep in mind is, “How long has your wrap been on the car?” If the answer is “3 years or longer” then you may need to get professional help getting your car wrap off.
  3. The third factor we want you to consider is if you requested primer when the car wrap was applied. If you are uncertain, contact the company that applied it and double check what was done when the order was placed. If no primer was used, then you will be able to remove your car wrap. If primer has been used and you remove the car wraps yourself, you can expect a very messy look. There will be a residue of adhesive left behind that looks messy and is quite difficult to clean up. It is far better to have a professional do the removal when primer is involved.

Yes, it is frustrating to hear these things that may hinder you easily removing your car wrap. But keep in mind that they do not affect most of the people who have car wraps now. If your car wrap has been manufactured by one of the larger companies such as Avery or 3M, then it is less likely that you will have a problem with your car wrap. We do want you to be aware of any potential issues that you might face with the removal, as we know you want your car to look the very best it can. Sometimes it is better to pay a “pro” to remove the wrap, than it is to DIY and create a huge mess that the professional will then have to fix as well.

Vinyl Wrap Removal Steps

Removing your car wrap most often is quite simple. Follow these easy steps:

  • You’ll want to take it off in sections, such as the hood and passenger door, just as it was put on. Don’t be surprised if some sections are easier to take off than others. We suggest you try to park your car in the driveway on a warm, sunny day as heat has been known to help remove a car wrap.
  • Use both of your hands and pull at a 45 degree angle to remove the car wrap. We advise you not to yank or tug at the car wrap. If you feel you need to do this, perhaps primer has been used and for this section you need a professional’s help removing it. Sections should just “peel” off gently, with little effort. Think about the physical effort you would put into removing duct tape from a surface that it would peel off without yanking it – this is about the same exertion you will want to use.
  • Once you have gotten the car wrap off, walk completely around your car and look it over from top to bottom. See if it has sustained any leftover small pieces of vinyl car wrap that need to be pulled off. Check your car, to be certain it is in the condition it was before the wrap was put on. Once you are confident of this, wash and wax your car.

There are many times a car wrap is the best and most practical solution. If you’ve had the frustrating surprise of realizing they used primer, then do know that for the next wrap you can request that they do not. Fortunately, Houston Vehicle Wrap Experts offer more vinyl wrap options than ever before, and a lot of the times you can remove them yourself!

Considerations When Choosing a Car Wrap Color

Hey! Is it time to wrap your car? You’ve got a decision to make: what color to select.

Wrapping your car is a great choice. It’s about 50% cheaper than a high quality paint job and you can change your car wrap almost instantly if you decide to change the color. This is a terrific way to express your personal style. If you want people to notice your car and realize it is you behind the wheel, choosing your favorite color is the perfect way to capture their attention!

But did you know there is more to a color than simply looks? You can use what is called “color psychology,” something that some of the biggest companies like Yahoo! Facebook, McDonalds and Virgin use on us each and every day. Color psychology is quite subtle, but affects how we see something, yes, like a car.

Popular Car Wrap Colors to Consider

Each color instantly brings specific emotions and qualities to mind. Here are some of the most common car wrap colors for you to consider:

  • Yellow Car Wraps – Optimistic, Cheerful, Happy and Warm
  • Orange Car Wraps – Confident, Wealth and Luxury
  • Red Car Wraps – Bold, High Energy and Exciting
  • Purple Car Wraps – Wealth, Mysterious and Creative
  • Blue Car Wraps – Loyal, Teamwork and Strong
  • Green Car Wraps – Health, Education/Learning and The Earth
Considerations When Choosing a Car Wrap Color

There may be instant reactions you have to specific colors. Perhaps you’ve always had a favorite color, or this has changed over time. Or maybe there are certain colors that you have never liked.

Professionals and companies make split second decisions based on colors too. Did you know that if you wear red to a business meeting, you are seen as the person in charge of the group – even if you are not in management? If a restaurant adds the color orange to its decor, that people will eat more because this color somehow sparks people to think they are hungrier? People become anxious more often in rooms that are yellow and calm down in rooms that are blue? That people with red cars typically pay about 20% more in car insurance – regardless of age or sex or driving history – because red cars are considered quite “speedy?”

Take a look at your favorite vinyl wrap colors and see what emotions or qualities are instantly connected with them. Do you like them? Or is there a color that has emotions and qualities that you would want people to connect with you more? It’s going to sound funny, but that might actually be a color to consider. We also suggest asking you local wrap shop about the benefits of wrapping you car in the specific colors you may have in mind.

Other Considerations About Selecting a Car Wrap:

  • Don’t choose a color that is too light, such as beige. If you wind up driving in snowy or foggy weather conditions, your car will be much harder to see. Instead pick a color that is brighter, more vibrant and that people will notice.
  • We also recommend you consider against selecting a color that is too dark, such as deep navy, forest green, gloss black or deep purple – with concern for driving at night. If there is poor visibility on the road, your car wraps will be harder to see.
  • Some car wrap colors are very popular, such as satin white, matte black and metallic blue. If you need to find your car in a parking lot or at an event, it is really helpful if it stands out a little bit! Look at green, orange, red and and metallic brown for example. These are vinyl wrap colors that are quite innovative and look terrific. Or simply choose your favorite wrap color – because we know you’ll always look for that one wherever you go!
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